
Most companies and teams agree on the importance of the recruitment strategy, both for its efficiency in finding good long-term fits and for company culture and revenue growth. With the arrival of Covid, almost all companies have had to adapt to a remote recruitment process.

Not only do new team members go through the entire hiring process exclusively remotely, but they also start working in culture, if not entirely, almost, remote. A good hiring process must now consider certain areas or skills with more emphasis than before. It is even more important to look for people who work well in a structured office environment and when they are entirely remote.


To be positive in a remote job, you need to be disciplined and charge your work hours. And it’s not just about having the intention to work and contribute, but also about scheduling your week, preparing a suitable work environment, etc. As obvious as it may seem, all this is already preparing for you in a physical office.

You have things like a physical desk or a lunch break. Even if you have a lot of flexibility in your work zone or meal breaks. It is easier to follow work patterns similar to what you see in your colleagues. However, on your own, this is all entirely up to you.

You can find out how disciplined a candidate is in a remote context by inquiring directly about how they organize their schedule or workspace at home. Another good way to tell how truly disciplined someone is is to ask them about areas of their life, outside of work, where they show outstanding commitment. Various situations can arise, such as participating in marathons every year, a hobby that requires a lot of responsibility, etc.


It’s clear that communicating professionally has always been vital, but now it’s even more essential.

It is effortless for relevant information to evaporate if you are not physically close to your computer. Also, it’s essential to find a way to bring all those hallway conversations back into the office.

As for being a good communicator, we do not only refer to oral or grammatical skills or succeed in a specific meeting. It is equally important to consider how receptive a person is. Does it take years to answer you? Can you stream meeting videos consistently?

A person’s communication style can tell you about their true small working style during a remote recruiting process.


Just because you do not together does not mean there is no teamwork. Again, if you have a physical space to meet. However, can be more obvious, but you must be willing to collaborate in a remote context.

As we have discussed in the previous point, communication will play an essential role in the effectiveness of your collaboration. It is good to find out how well a candidate works on their own and within a (remote) team during your interviews.

An excellent way to find out is to do your research. And also, ask what you have valued the most in the past from your team members and the synergy of the group. Can you give an actual illustration of a project you did remotely involving multiple people and their collaboration?


Working from home can bring many interruptions that we would not find in an office, including family members, pets, noise from roommates. Organizing your home workspace or wearing noise-blocking headphones is a good idea, but it doesn’t matter. How much you prepare your surroundings if you’re easily distracted afterward.

Although the focus has always been important, make sure your new members are adaptable enough to focus on this new environment. As it often presents more distractions. This is a good sign if, during the interview, the candidate demonstrates a habit or hobby. It requires your full attention, such as yoga, meditation, or painting.